หนังสือเขียนโดยพระอาจารย์มิตซูโอะ คเวสโก เผยแพร่โดย มูลนิธิมายา โคตมี พี่หน่อยส่งมาให้อ่าน และได้แรงบันดาลใจจาก อ. พฤษภ์ เลยนั่งคัดข้อความใหม่ทั้งเล่ม ทำเป็น PDF สำหรับเผยแพร่เป็น e-book
Kitty HTTPD is a fast, safe, and lightweight web server. It aims to share files through HTTP service without installing a heavyweight-full-feature HTTP server.
- Support continuous / range requests
- Implement HTTP/1.1 requirement
- Multithreaded server to support concurrent connections
- Large file (> 2 GB) support
- Log to syslog facility (LOG_LOCAL0)
- Automatic indexing
- IPv6 support
- Reuse address (SO_REUSEADDR)
- Set EUID
- Support various MIME types
- Small binary (~ 22 kB)
- No configuration file
Acer-EC is a program to read/write registers through embedded controller of Acer Aspire One D150. It is written in C, and process registers according to DSDT of Acer AOD150.
- Show status:
- Bluetooth, Touchpad, Wireless,
- Backlight (brightness) level
- CPU temperature
- Power status
- Battery status, and capacity
- Toggle bluetooth, touchpad, wireless
- Set backlight level (0 – 9)
- Dump registers, known fields
GNOME generates thumbnails for image, video, PDF, and other documents. Those thumbnails are cached in ~/.thumbnails and never be purged. That could occupy amount of your disk.
orphan-thumbnail is a program to find orphan GNOME thumbnails. It reads thumbnails and find URI to the original file in PNG comments. It is capable to show and/or delete orphan thumbnails.
GIMP( >= 2.4)’S TINY-FU
SIOD has already been deprecated. GIMP 2.4 has move to TinyScheme, another implementation of Scheme. In GIMP 2.4, some may call it “Tiny-Fu”. TinyScheme is literally better than SIOD in many aspects. However, some of the SIOD scripts may not be compatible with TinyScheme, including scripts I wrote for older GIMP. Worry not, those scripts have been rewritten for TinyScheme already. So, here they are:
kitty.in.th-auto-levels.scm | Scale level to the full range. The cut-off threshold is configurable |
kitty.in.th-auto-photo-frame.scm | My auto-level + photo-frame |
kitty.in.th-bw.scm | Convert an image to grayscale. A color filter is selectable |
kitty.in.th-handheld-size.scm | Resize image to handheld resolutions |
kitty.in.th-ir.scm | Infrared Filter effect |
kitty.in.th-lomo.scm | Lomography effect |
kitty.in.th-photo-frame.scm | My custom photo frame |
kitty.in.th-sepia.scm | Sepia effect |
kitty.in.th-velvia.scm | Velvia-like effect |
kitty.in.th-luko-sharpening.scm | Luko’s sharpening method |
Again, just put in them in ~/.gimp-2.4/scripts/ and it should work.
GIMP has a feature to extend capabilities by writing scripts to manipulate images. These scripts can be script-fu or python-fu. This is basically equivalent to Photoshop\’s actions. For script-fu, it is written in an implementation of Scheme called SIOD, a kind of functional language similar to LISP (So you will face a lot of parentheses, just like LISP .. :P). You can call almost, if not all, functions available in GIMP, i.e., every menus, commands, extensions, python-fu, and script-fu. This means that what your script-fu will become a function in GIMP automatically. Nice, isn\’t it ? These are script-fu I wrote:
kitty.in.th-auto-levels.scm | Scale level to the full range. The cut-off threshold is configurable |
kitty.in.th-auto-photo-frame.scm | My auto-level + photo-frame |
kitty.in.th-bw.scm | Convert an image to grayscale. A color filter is selectable |
kitty.in.th-contrast-mask.scm | Perform contrast mask |
kitty.in.th-handheld-size.scm | Resize image to handheld resolutions |
kitty.in.th-ir.scm | Infrared Filter effect |
kitty.in.th-lomo.scm | Lomography effect |
kitty.in.th-photo-frame.scm | My custom photo frame |
kitty.in.th-sepia.scm | Sepia effect |
kitty.in.th-soft-filter.scm | Soft filter effect |
kitty.in.th-velvia.scm | Velvia-like effect |
Just put these scripts to ~/.gimp-2.x/scripts/. They should appear in your Image\’s Script-Fu -> kitty.in.th automatically.
Please be noted that most image manipulation techniques used in these scripts were taken from somewhere else (e.g., gimp guru, pantip.com, thaidphoto, etc. etc..). I just wrote script-fu to automate them. Credits should be given to those who invent the techniques.
For Thai people, there is a number of English-Thai dictionary program available on Linux, e.g. KDictThai (QT/KDE), cetdict (Text-based UI), and Lexitron (Java). However, there is no stand-alone GTK+/GNOME E-T dictionary, so I wrote a very simple one using GTK+. At very beginning of the project, I would like to port code from KDictThai (that\’s why the program is called GDictThai). But, later I found that it is easier to code it from scratch. The GDictThai’s logo/icon is a modified version of KDictThai’s :P
BED is a command-line program to (over)write data at a specific byte offset of a particular file. You can just call \’bed 0x4c5 0x0a myfile\’ to write 0x0a at the byte offset 0x4c5 of the file myfile. I wrote this program to simplify the way to change data in some savegame .. make it easier to cheat :P.
This is a simple script to convert the bigpage of LWN to pdb format, make it simpler to read on your Palm PDA. It requires txt2pdbdoc and wget.