All posts by kitty

Why Google Apps / G Suite for Education is free ?

ทุกครั้งที่บอกว่า G Suite for Education ฟรี พื้นที่ไม่จำกัด และ มข. ให้ใช้งานได้ไปตลอดชีวิต จะมีคำถามเสมอว่า

“แล้ว Google เขาได้อะไร ?”

คำตอบทางการ ของ Google น่าสนใจทีเดียว

G Suite for Education is free. We plan to keep the core offering of G Suite for Education free. This offering includes user accounts for future incoming students. As you may know, Google was founded by a research project at Stanford University, and this is just one way we can give back to the educational community.


สรุปคือ Google พยายามจะบอกว่า …

กูไม่ได้ทำเพื่อจะ “ได้” แต่กูทำเพื่อจะ “ให้”

Google Drive: Transfer Ownership using Team Drive

Google Drive does have a feature to transfer ownership from one user to another within the same domain. This is mainly for the case that a user leave a company, and his/her account is terminated.

However, Google does not allow to transfer ownership across the domain. People keep asking for this feature for many years, and there are workarounds – use drive sync, or use 3rd -party apps.

But, there is a by-product workaround (or solution) for this — Team Drives.

Just create a Team Drive (e.g., “transfer”), add a source account and a destination account as members, then you can move files and folders between the two accounts using the team drive.

Technically, when you move files/folders from My Drive to a Team Drive, Ownership of those files/folders will be changed from the source to the Team Drive. And, when you move files/folders from a Team Drive to My Drive, Google will change ownership from the Team Drive to the destination account.

For files, you can move from/to a Team Drive freely. But, for folders, you need your GSuite admin to set “Move any files and folder to Team Drive” privilege for you.

Note: the moving process from/to a Team Drive is NOT instantaneous – it takes time. So, if you move a large number of files and folders to/from a Team Drive at once, you should WAIT.

Upgrading Graylog from 2.2 to 2.3

Well, my installation is based on the official deb package.  However, you cannot automatically upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3. I think this is because graylog might change things overtime and they don’t want to break things without administrator’s supervision.

So you need to download and dpkg -i to install it manually.

You should also check upgrading to 2.3.x docs where they describe changes that may impact your configuration.

For my case, I decide to upgrade and replace my existing graylog.conf with the maintainer’s configuration. Then, copy password hashes from the existing one to the new one.

It runs smoothly though.

How many Nobel laureates do you know ?

คุยกันเรื่องผู้ได้รับรางวัลโนเบลท่านหนึ่ง ซึ่งรู้จักชื่อแต่ไม่เคยรู้ว่าได้เคยได้รับรางวัลโนเบล  เลยไปสืบรายชื่อผู้ไดัรับรางวัลโนเบลทั้งหมดตั้งแต่ปี 1901 ปรากฎว่าชื่อผ่านตาและจำได้เยอะเหมือนกัน แยกตามสาขาแล้ว

  • ฟิสิกส์ 23 คน
  • เคมี 3 คน
  • แพทย์ 0 คน
  • วรรณกรรม 7 คน
  • สันติภาพ 25 (ส่วนใหญ่เป็นชื่อองค์กร)

ส่วน Turing Awards ตั้งแต่มอบรางวัลในปี 1966 นับได้ 23 คน

Deja-Dup / Duplicity / GPG

Some Linux users user Deja-Dup / Duplicity to backup their files. The tools work pretty well and very reliable.

However, in very rare occasions, Deja-Dup will keep asking you a password even you put the right one. To debug this, you can do

DEJA_DUP_DEBUG=1 deja-dup --backup

to see what’s going on, and grabbing those error messages to find the right solution.

Interestingly, one of those occasions is that you have files with size = 0 byte in your backup set. These zero-byte files cause GPG fails when  it tries to test your backup set even with the right password.

To solve this, simple, delete those zero-byte files from the  backup set. It is safe to do so anyway. :P

เจ้าภาพบำเพ็ญกุศลถวายพระบรมศพ พระบาทสมเด็จพระปรมินทรมหาภูมิพลอดุลยเดช

มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่นร่วมเป็นเป็นเจ้าภาพบำเพ็ญกุศลถวายฯ และเข้าสักการะพระบรมศพ  วันที่ ๒๗ มิถุนายน พุทธศักราช ๒๕๖๐ ๑๙.๐๐ น.


มีภาพเดียวที่เก็บไว้เมื่อตอนอยู่ที่พัก ก่อนออกเดินทาง


มหาสงกรานต์ ๒๕๖๐

สงกรานต์ปี 2560 เป็นปี จ.ศ. (2560 – 1181) = 1379

วันเถลิงศก ตรงกับ
(1379 * 0.25875)
+ floor(1379 / 100 + 0.38)
– floor(1379/ 4 + 0.5)
– floor(1379 / 400 + 0.595)
– 5.53375
= 356.81625 + 14 – 345 – 4 – 5.53375
= 16.2825
= วันที่ 16 เมษายน 2560 เวลา 06:46:48

วันสงกรานต์ ตรงกับ
16.02375 – 2.165 = 14.1175
= วันที่ 14 เมษายน 2560 เวลา 02:49:12

Google Cloud Platform Free Tier

Google recently provide the free tier on their Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The free tier will be free forever (but what Google offered are subjected to changes).

Also included in the free tier is $300 credit for 12 months (I think this was 2 months – good !)

I applied, created Google Compute Engine (GCE) f1-micro instance, ran the same benchmarks as I did on Vultr, DO, and Scaleway.

The best results I got from the instance:

dd write bs=4k count=10k  100k  1M
                    1500  39.6  37.5 MB/s
dd read bs=4k 
63.1 MB/s
sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=10000 run
11.7567 sec.
stress-ng --cpu 1 --cpu-method all -t 30 
156.75 ops/sec

The results were not consistent.  I ran the dd write 5 more times, the results varied from 211 MB/s to 1.5 GB/s. sysbench results varied from 11 to 13 sec. stress-ng varied between 50 – 150 ops/sec.

I think this is because almost all the resources for free tier (CPU, disk, network) are shared among others.

It’s free, though.

Vultr’s $2.5 / month server instance

Vultr has recently upgrade all instances . While $5/month has been upgraded from 1 CPU / 768 MB / 15 GB  to 1 CPU / 1 GB / 25 GB, Vultr also introduced the new smallest server instance – 1 CPU / 512 MB / 20 GB at $2.5/month.

So, I have choices:  keep paying $5/month and get an upgraded instance for free, or migrate to the $2.5/month to cut cost in half.

I chose the latter.

Unfortunately, Vultr does not allow to downgrade the instance (because disks can only be enlarged). So, I needed to migrate the server. I created a snapshot from the existing 15 GB disk, and deployed an $2.5/month instance from the snapshot. It took me about 10 minutes to create the snapshot (free), and few more minutes to deploy new instance. Then, I updated DNS record.

Things went well. So, finally, I destroyed the $5/month instance.

The result ?  You are seeing it right now. This web is running on single $2.5/month instance :D